Hospital, Epidemic

14-November-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “There are no places in our hospital!”

08-February-2022 Tuesday
Social distancing in Tyumen hospitals...

12-January-2022 Wednesday
Two treatment regimens for the disease

17-April-2020 Friday
Suspicion of coronavirus. How this happens in Belarus. Part 6, final

16-April-2020 Thursday
Suspicion of coronavirus. How this happens in Belarus. Part 5

15-April-2020 Wednesday
Results (spoiler, not today)

15-April-2020 Wednesday
Suspicion of coronavirus. How this happens in Belarus. Part 4. Burnt

15-April-2020 Wednesday
Suspicion of coronavirus. How this happens in Belarus. Part 3

14-April-2020 Tuesday
Suspicion of coronavirus. How this happens in Belarus

12-April-2020 Sunday
A line of ambulances lined up outside the Veterans Hospital in Moscow

10-April-2020 Friday
The most crowned hospital in NY. As soon as the reporters leave, the “epidemic” ends...

06-April-2020 Monday
Express test

31-March-2020 Tuesday
Denis Protsenko, the head doctor of the hospital in Kommunarka, is infected with coronavirus

26-January-2020 Sunday
What could be worse than a sick Chinese? Many sick Chinese

30-January-2016 Saturday
Paid ward of the Botkin hospital St. Petersburg!
