Wealth, Ruble

20-February-2024 Tuesday
About wealth

22-January-2023 Sunday
What are some easy but practical ways to make money?

21-January-2023 Saturday
What are some easy but practical ways to make money?

24-December-2022 Saturday
Feel rich if you lived in the USSR

28-November-2019 Thursday
Viral note about the Titanic.

27-August-2019 Tuesday
How to accumulate money?

09-July-2015 Thursday
A penny saves a ruble!

20-May-2015 Wednesday
Who knows what this coin is?

19-December-2014 Friday
When I accidentally found 15 euros in my nightstand.

17-December-2014 Wednesday
I sit and think what to do with wealth

15-December-2014 Monday
Accumulated little things for a few weeks.

01-February-2014 Saturday
6000 rubles in tweets)))
