Leningrad blockade, Veterans

19-January-2023 Thursday
On the day of the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the siege of Leningrad, Vladimir Putin met with veterans of the Great Patriotic War

09-May-2020 Saturday
On Victory Day and every day

04-February-2019 Monday
A Petersburger who survived the blockade started a blog and tells how they lived in Leningrad during the Second World War

27-January-2019 Sunday
In Tashkent solemnly honored the memory of those killed during the siege of Leningrad

25-January-2019 Friday
Dear Veterans,

25-January-2018 Thursday
Blockade children

28-January-2017 Saturday
Memories of blockade survivors of those terrible days. The heart shrinks when you read something like this... Thank you for defending the city!

21-July-2014 Monday
We really need the help of pick-up people from the city on the Neva, who are ready to share the stories of veterans.

27-April-2014 Sunday
Today is Rain's birthday. Pa-hello-eat!

27-January-2014 Monday
Leningrad blockade.
