Bloggers, Right

13-May-2024 Monday
A story about how a big fish got caught in the net of professional fishermen

02-May-2024 Thursday
A Russian court issued a fine for the first time for stealing a video idea.

05-April-2024 Friday
Since the beginning of 2024, Roskomnadzor has issued 52 decisions with fines regarding advertising labeling

02-April-2024 Tuesday
Public war on Internet? FAS initiates a case for lack of advertising labeling

12-March-2024 Tuesday
FAS filed a case against the VK public page "Memenalka | Inta" in Komi for lack of advertising labeling

18-February-2024 Sunday
Will Roskomnadzor fine the Telega In exchange for lack of reporting in the ORD?

23-January-2024 Tuesday
OFAS Khakassia punished public VK due to lack of advertising labeling

27-December-2023 Wednesday
The reason for tax audits of Ivleeva (Uzenyuk) (real name Ivleeva) became known

13-October-2023 Friday
FAS against the public on Telegram. Review of reasons and conclusions for bloggers on the topic of advertising labeling

10-October-2023 Tuesday
What is exempt from advertising labeling?

10-October-2023 Tuesday
Stages of bringing to justice in case of violation of advertising markings
