Business, Компрадоры

16-November-2017 Thursday
Why will Colonel Zakharchenko get his one and a half tons of "our" money back.

07-November-2017 Tuesday
Lenin on slavery (dedicated to propagandists of the compradors)

06-November-2017 Monday
The correct diagnosis of the disease of the country. Part 6 "Who are social parasites and how to properly get rid of them."

05-November-2017 Sunday
Correct diagnosis of the country's disease Part 4 "Ruble volatility: how did "THEY" organize the flight of business from the country?"

04-November-2017 Saturday
The correct diagnosis of the disease of the country. Part 3. "Loans. Why do THEY keep the rate many times higher than in the West?"

20-October-2017 Friday
The correct diagnosis of the disease of the country. Part 2 "Why do 'THEY' finance US government spending with 'our' money?"

19-October-2017 Thursday
The correct diagnosis of the disease of the country. Part 1 "What Khazin, Delyagin and other economists are deafeningly silent about."
