Soundless, Blagoveshchensk

02-September-2024 Monday

14-June-2024 Friday
Don't drive drunk!

14-June-2024 Friday
Not a day without killings

14-June-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Tin in Blagoveshchensk”

14-June-2024 Friday
A drunk driver drove into a crowd of Russians. The bodies of the dead were scattered along the road, including children.

14-June-2024 Friday
Tin in Blagoveshchensk

14-June-2024 Friday
Blagoveshchensk, tragedy, drunk driving

14-June-2024 Friday
Terrible accident in Blagoveshchensk

14-June-2024 Friday
Just in Blagoveshchensk

14-June-2024 Friday
In Blagoveshchensk, a driver flew into a crowd of pedestrians

14-January-2023 Saturday
How cadets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations flew to the Far East to eliminate the consequences of emergencies (part 2)
