Poverty, Inequality

07-May-2024 Tuesday
Once again about the salary of an IT specialist. The simplest analysis

27-March-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer”

24-May-2023 Wednesday
Privilege, inequality and life

24-May-2023 Wednesday
sbmet's answer to "Why do the poor stay poor?"

17-June-2021 Thursday
Do rich people rob the whole planet?

31-August-2020 Monday
Curious Kenyan utility workers conduct experiments on people

24-October-2019 Thursday
Rising economic inequality

12-September-2019 Thursday
There is no alternative to capitalism... Are you sure?

10-January-2018 Wednesday
"Rich and poor will always be"

29-December-2017 Friday
Today, the fortune of four people is equal to the fortune of half of humanity.

16-January-2017 Monday
The capitals of the eight richest people in the world and 50% of humanity are equal.

09-January-2017 Monday
L - logic

24-May-2015 Sunday
The poorest and the richest
