Bayanometer, Sarcasm

25-April-2024 Thursday
Airplanes come first, and then Peekaboo!

12-November-2023 Sunday
Something got really crazy on Pikabu today

13-May-2023 Saturday
One day

11-May-2023 Thursday
Awesome new video found on the Internet

02-May-2023 Tuesday
If you see a button accordion, then this means a failure in the Peekaboo Matrix ...

02-May-2023 Tuesday
Bayans are moving in a circle...

09-December-2022 Friday
Reply to the post “World of Warcraft new part! - look what this paladin is doing"

09-December-2022 Friday
World of Warcraft new part! - look what this paladin is doing

03-June-2022 Friday
When the accordion meter was silent, and then your post is transferred to "boyany"

01-December-2017 Friday

25-November-2017 Saturday
We decided everything without Western permission! Oh no no no!!!
