Aidar Battalion, Ukraine

07-December-2023 Thursday
Ex-Aidar commander Dikiy called Kyiv the most unmobilized city in Ukraine

01-April-2022 Friday
The former base of the national bat "Aidar"* in the village of Polovinkino, Starobilsk district

01-April-2022 Friday
"Aidar" militants and labor conscription in the city of Shchastya

10-March-2022 Thursday
There is no Nazism in Ukraine. Part 1

24-September-2018 Monday
Aidar - Khokhlomadia.

05-April-2015 Sunday
Aidar militants tried to "squeeze" the car on the Maidan from the master of sports in boxing

01-April-2015 Wednesday
Ukraine: New Economic Model or Recipe for Making Expensive Bread

27-March-2015 Friday
Will Yatsenyuk send this video to The Hague?

10-February-2015 Tuesday
Tiffany Foysk!

02-February-2015 Monday
The situation is heating up

02-February-2015 Monday
Soldiers of the "Aidar" battalion stormed the checkpoint of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

30-January-2015 Friday
There was news on RBC that the battalion\\"Aidar\\" was disbanded

03-December-2014 Wednesday
The poem is based on real events, just sore.

06-September-2014 Saturday
Video from the defeat of the battalion of Ukrainian punishers "Aidar".

01-September-2014 Monday
+18 Broken Aidar battalion near Novosvetlovka

15-August-2014 Friday
“We were squeezed from three sides, many wounded, a helicopter was shot down,” the Aidar fighter denied the lie of the ATO leadership (video inside)

06-August-2014 Wednesday
The General Staff of Ukraine notified the Aidar battalion of the disbandment "as soon as possible"

19-June-2014 Thursday
The defeat of the punitive battalion "Aidar": battle, captured and wounded militants, captured equipment (video)
