Bandits, Police
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09-May-2024 Thursday
In Mexico, a drug cartel plunged an entire state into chaos, killing people and setting cars on fire across the region after their leader was killed

19-April-2024 Friday
A Mexican drug cartel has handed over to the FBI a wanted US street gang leader who was hiding in Mexico.

17-April-2024 Wednesday
In the animal world. Stavropol

23-December-2023 Saturday
I'll take it into adverbial usage

18-December-2023 Monday
Security forces and law enforcement officers are not without sin

26-November-2023 Sunday
Continuation of the post “How my bicycle was stolen in Berlin and how I found it”

09-February-2023 Thursday
In Krasnoyarsk, a motorist crashed into a police patrol during a robbery

10-January-2023 Tuesday
How my bike was stolen in Berlin and how I found it

27-October-2022 Thursday
11-year-old boy who ran away from home made up a story about the kidnapping to prove his independence

30-May-2022 Monday
Dedicated to prose writers

04-January-2022 Tuesday
The only correct way for the police to deal with bandits

09-November-2021 Tuesday
What if...

03-October-2021 Sunday
Now the Chechens "resolve issues" instead of the police...

11-July-2021 Sunday
Bandyukam fell from the cops in Venezuela

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