Balcony, Glazing

28-May-2024 Tuesday
Glazing of loggia 6m

19-April-2024 Friday
Warm balcony glazing with finishing

30-May-2023 Tuesday
profiled sheet

02-May-2023 Tuesday
Balcony glazing

15-February-2022 Tuesday
How's it really?

06-December-2021 Monday
Fine for violation of the architectural integrity of the building

11-October-2019 Friday
Loggia and wall of gas blocks. Need advice.

16-March-2019 Saturday
Help with advice.

16-August-2018 Thursday
Experiment, apartment with access to the terrace. Can it be glazed?

14-January-2018 Sunday
Brovary balconies

15-January-2017 Sunday
Front glazing.

20-April-2015 Monday
If you decide to glaze the balcony.
