Baikalsk, BPPM

23-October-2018 Tuesday
Happy inhabitant of ebony.

15-June-2018 Friday
Fraud for 3.5 billion rubles: "Rosgeologia" recultivates only 5 sludge collectors of the BPPM out of 14

22-April-2018 Sunday
There will be no reclamation of waste from the Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill in 2018 (Photo report from Baikalsk)

13-November-2017 Monday
Irkutsk scientists defeated the Rosgeo project for the reclamation of waste from the Baikal pulp and paper mill

25-June-2017 Sunday
Baikalsk, preparations for the official closing of the BPPM

03-May-2013 Friday
What is really happening on Baikal: a virtual tour
