Asteroid, Catastrophe

19-February-2023 Sunday
5 most dangerous asteroids for the Earth

14-October-2022 Friday
Leave it for 2023

01-April-2022 Friday
What difference does it make who is right usa Ukraine or Russia if in May this guy will judge everyone

16-November-2021 Tuesday
NASA again announced the threat of a collision of the earth with an asteroid

05-November-2021 Friday
Scientists have proposed a way to save the Earth from Armageddon

12-August-2021 Thursday
Finally a good old classic

19-October-2020 Monday
And here comes November!

22-August-2020 Saturday
On June 16, a video message from its owner was released on the Israeli news live channel that an asteroid will fall on our planet in September

12-June-2020 Friday
The Fall of a Giant Asteroid and Nuclear Winter. How the Dinosaurs Died

09-April-2020 Thursday
How to make people get a little more...

07-July-2019 Sunday
A giant asteroid has changed its trajectory and is moving towards Earth.

24-September-2018 Monday
The largest extinction in history was instantaneous

22-November-2016 Tuesday
5 catastrophes that await the Earth in the future

31-October-2015 Saturday
NASA showed a photo of a giant asteroid (diameter about 600 m) approaching the Earth

14-August-2014 Thursday

07-January-2014 Tuesday
NASA: the end of the world may come in February 2040
