Postgraduate studies, The science
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19-February-2024 Monday
First steps into science

28-October-2023 Saturday
Do not give up. Career. About feeling your own stupidity

30-April-2023 Sunday
GIPGAP response to "Russia has lost almost a third of young scientists in 10 years"

26-January-2023 Thursday
What should a graduate student do, "Please, tell me"

16-November-2020 Monday
Shoemaker without shoes

27-September-2020 Sunday
Response to the post "Working pensioners"

31-May-2020 Sunday
Dokkalfar's answer to "Higher education in the Russian Federation"

31-May-2020 Sunday
Reply to the post "Higher education in the Russian Federation"

30-May-2020 Saturday
Reply to the post "Higher education in the Russian Federation"

30-May-2020 Saturday
Higher education in the Russian Federation

30-December-2019 Monday
Continuation of the post “In **** your science!

26-December-2019 Thursday
Fuck your science!

29-October-2019 Tuesday
PhD in Russia

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