Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Memes

19-January-2020 Sunday
She's just like that, just like that!

08-February-2016 Monday
When he told and embellished a little

25-January-2016 Monday
It's good to have intuition...

17-December-2015 Thursday
And again about the "eggs"

11-December-2015 Friday
Today in Ukraine it is fashionable to wear Senya...

14-April-2015 Tuesday
Jason Yatsenyuk

10-February-2015 Tuesday
In case of important negotiations

23-January-2015 Friday
When it's so drunk...

09-January-2015 Friday
In connection with Yatsenyuk's latest statements...

23-July-2014 Wednesday
You can't just take and shit the country

22-May-2014 Thursday
A good meme will turn out)

17-March-2014 Monday
In connection with the current situation, I propose a new meme
