Army, Police
Page 5

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11-February-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Answer to someone who lives by convention, who wrote to me that calling the police is wrong”

06-February-2024 Tuesday
Answer by Anonymous to "Fight at School"

03-February-2024 Saturday
The main thing is that he is not sent to save you...

09-November-2023 Thursday
Scars on hands. Military and police service

05-April-2023 Wednesday
Such different requirements

22-December-2022 Thursday
Where does the increase in crimes related to arms trafficking come from?

04-December-2022 Sunday
How did I even get into the police

26-October-2022 Wednesday
10 police officers resigned from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order not to go to the NVO zone, and their ...

29-September-2022 Thursday
Mobilization in LCD "Fregat 2"

28-September-2022 Wednesday
Call errors?

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