Army, Base

03-May-2024 Friday
Aerospace Museum of the Brazilian Air Force "Brasileira Centro de Lancamento da Barreira do Inferno" in Natal, Brazil

23-October-2022 Sunday
ksenobianinSanta's answer to "The abandoned R-16U nuclear missile base of the 551st missile regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces"

23-October-2022 Sunday
Continuation of the post "Abandoned base of nuclear missiles R-16U of the 551st missile regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces"

23-October-2022 Sunday
Continuation of the post "Abandoned base of nuclear missiles R-16U of the 551st missile regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces"

23-October-2022 Sunday
Abandoned R-16U nuclear missile base of the 551st missile regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces

09-September-2015 Wednesday
Russia is building a military base 25 km from the border with Ukraine - media
