Anime, Ash Ketchum

03-February-2023 Friday
Show me Ash how to make your dream come true

19-November-2022 Saturday
Ash Ketchum is now a Pokemon Master, finally! It only took him 25 years

18-December-2021 Saturday
Mega Lucario vs. Gigantamax Machampa

16-December-2021 Thursday
Gengar Ash

15-December-2021 Wednesday
Ash and Lucario

25-November-2021 Thursday
Ash Ketchum is not very smart

16-February-2019 Saturday
Who is loved more

13-July-2017 Thursday
How the main character of the Pokemon anime, Ash Ketchum, has changed over the years:

12-June-2016 Sunday
Ash Ketchum, Superman
