Andrey Konchalovsky, Politics

28-October-2021 Thursday
And you, dear comrades, what do you think?

10-February-2021 Wednesday
Andrei Konchalovsky: The future of Russia is a new socialism, not the same as it was in the 60s

22-August-2017 Tuesday
Konchalovsky the whole truth about Putin and Medvedev

19-October-2016 Wednesday
Andrei Konchalovsky: "Consider that I am a quilted jacket."

24-April-2015 Friday
Dvorkovich instructed to assist in the creation of a network of fast food Mikhalkov

11-April-2015 Saturday
The recipe for success and the magazine "Drochun" (video from Polite Nastya)

09-April-2015 Thursday
Mikhalkov and Konchalovsky will receive 700 million rubles.

20-September-2014 Saturday
Where are we heading?
