Andrey Klishas, news

23-March-2024 Saturday
Klishas responded to the idea of ??introducing the death penalty after the terrorist attack in Crocus

16-January-2023 Monday
Klishas believes that the rules for issuing visas to foreign citizens should be mirrored

14-December-2022 Wednesday
Klishas announced the development of a bill on restrictions for the departed Russians

08-December-2022 Thursday
Klishas: there is nothing more legitimate in Russia than Putin's words

05-December-2022 Monday
Russia may limit remote work for those who left the country during mobilization

28-July-2022 Thursday
Autumn "integration of new territories" into Russia

17-July-2022 Sunday
The Federation Council commented on Kyiv's threats to attack the Crimean bridge

29-June-2022 Wednesday
"After the actions of Norway, the sovereignty of this country over Svalbard is a big question," Klishas said.

31-May-2022 Tuesday
Complete failure of import substitution / Monkeypox / Europe ran out of weapons / China will devour Taiwan

11-April-2022 Monday
YouTube has signed a sentence for itself / Will YouTube be blocked today? / Klishas. Zakharova. Volodin. Thick

17-November-2020 Tuesday
A resident of Chelyabinsk: it is impossible for juveniles to legalize the idea of ??express courts

19-March-2019 Tuesday
Poroshenko got drunk and promised to return the Crimea immediately after the elections.

17-February-2019 Sunday
Senator Klishas: “Do you want deputies, members of the Federation Council to wear cheap suits, plastic watches?”
