Anastasia Dmitruk, Ukraine

16-March-2022 Wednesday
Started the second lap

09-March-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "We Will Never Be Brothers"

22-December-2015 Tuesday
Songwriter Dmitruk published poems on Facebook, quilted poets continued in the comments

05-October-2015 Monday

28-July-2015 Tuesday
But no one is carrying sausage...

27-July-2015 Monday
Verse by Anastasia Dmitruk - "The masks are torn off - there is no one to believe" (they jumped)

13-February-2015 Friday
Khyshnitsa Nastya Dmitruk.

15-August-2014 Friday
Video response to Anastasia Dmitruk's verse from 5 Plush

15-July-2014 Tuesday
After Merkel's last meeting with Putin, Anastasia Dmitruk rewrote her poem "We'll Never Be Brothers"...

23-April-2014 Wednesday
Answer by Anastasia Dmitruk.

10-April-2014 Thursday
"Answer to the Ukrainian Woman" Leonid Kornilov

10-April-2014 Thursday
New poems by Nastya Dmitruk
