Alcohol, Hallucinations

26-April-2024 Friday
In Russia “Green Serpent”, and in France “Green Fairy” (18+)

09-April-2023 Sunday
Answer to the post "How to stop drinking?..."

21-January-2023 Saturday
Latches, latrines, you are my friends!

21-November-2021 Sunday
Quietly and with a smile drank ...

07-February-2019 Thursday
In Samara, a grandmother mistook a 5-year-old girl for Gollum and threw her out of the balcony

17-November-2018 Saturday
How to catch a squirrel.

06-August-2017 Sunday
How I was going to be buried.

30-January-2017 Monday
A small delicate request

12-December-2016 Monday
Do not drink in unfamiliar company

07-October-2015 Wednesday
Semantic hallucinations

13-June-2015 Saturday

11-March-2014 Tuesday
everything in moderation
