Alexander Lukashenko, Economy
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13-June-2024 Thursday
Free interpretation: Lukashenko is one of the strategists of the 44-day war in Karabakh according to Nikol Pashinyan. Where is this all going?

23-May-2024 Thursday
It's time, it's time, let's rejoice...for... Belarus

19-February-2024 Monday
People in rural areas deserve better: what Lukashenko demanded from the Belkoopsoyuz and why this structure cannot be lost

24-December-2023 Sunday
Azaryonok: in this world to go out with a shrunken voice is like death. But Lukashenko breaks all cliches

12-December-2022 Monday
Lukashenko said that the enterprises of the departed foreign owners can be considered Belarusian

19-November-2022 Saturday
Tasty and that's it - leaves Belarus

06-October-2022 Thursday
mustachioed economist

23-September-2022 Friday
Lukashenka rejects comparison of possible amnesty with bargaining between Minsk and the West

18-August-2022 Thursday
Lukashenka said that everything on the tables of Belarusians should be as domestic as possible

11-May-2022 Wednesday
Inflation on fruits and vegetables amounted to 41.6%

03-May-2022 Tuesday
Lukashenka: it will not be possible to bring Belarus and Russia to their knees

29-April-2022 Friday
Is there something wrong with the world? The whole truth is here and without censorship and water. Only the very essence and nothing superfluous. What to do about it is up to you to decide

18-April-2022 Monday
Nabiullina: Russia will be able to live on existing reserves only temporarily

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