Alexander Lukashenko, Kiev

24-April-2024 Wednesday
Lukashenko on the allocation of a new aid package for Ukraine

23-February-2022 Wednesday
Belarus and Russia have become an outpost for the preservation of the Slavic world and global security

26-September-2020 Saturday
Anna German from Kyiv: “The Kyiv and Minsk Maidan have the same screenwriters”

17-September-2014 Wednesday
Belarusians "have their eyes" on Ukrainian missile technology

31-July-2014 Thursday
Old Man will come - he will put things in order

08-June-2014 Sunday
Dad is no longer the same...

08-June-2014 Sunday
"Militants who fight against Ukrainians must be destroyed" - Lukashenko

17-April-2014 Thursday
Lukashenka on the federalization of Ukraine and the legitimacy of the Kyiv authorities
