Algebra, Picture with text
26-September-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "About algebra"
25-September-2024 Wednesday
About algebra
25-March-2024 Monday
X to the power n
14-March-2024 Thursday
Really scary stuff
28-January-2024 Sunday
Such algebra
28-April-2023 Friday
20-April-2023 Thursday
My tirlist for subjects from our 9th grade
09-December-2022 Friday
One more day
18-October-2022 Tuesday
Let these your indefinite integrals have already been determined
05-March-2022 Saturday
I'm not a mom I'm a teacher
06-October-2021 Wednesday
Reply to "Why Study"
04-October-2021 Monday
Reply to "Why Study"
04-October-2021 Monday
Why study
24-July-2021 Saturday
II Option
24-July-2021 Saturday
II Option
08-June-2021 Tuesday
Response to the post "Theological Algebra or Algebraic Theology?"
08-June-2021 Tuesday
Theological algebra or algebraic theology?
16-April-2021 Friday
Richelieu and growing up
24-January-2021 Sunday
When everyone was just playing around, and he was already done
11-June-2020 Thursday
Eleventh grader
02-April-2020 Thursday
The nicest boy
21-March-2020 Saturday
Coronavirus is a way to get likes and classes