Azov, Negative

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Russian Ministry of Defense: Kyiv showed its true colors by shooting down a plane with captured Ukrainians. The military in Ukraine carried out another terrorist attack, shooting down an Il-76

23-May-2023 Tuesday
Azov militant received a life sentence for killing a prisoner in Mariupol

29-July-2022 Friday
Continuation of the post "The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case after the shelling of the pre-trial detention center in Yelenovka, DPR" by Ukrainian nationalists

18-May-2022 Wednesday
I don't understand... Azov - are they not dangerous at all?

26-April-2022 Tuesday
Pregnant women were killed and raped for food

25-April-2022 Monday
Continuation of the post "About thugs"

27-March-2022 Sunday
Questioning of a witness in the case of mass murder in Odessa on May 2, 2014

23-March-2022 Wednesday
Ukrainian nationalists deliberately shoot at homes in Mariupol

09-August-2021 Monday
She beat her grandmother and threw her off the bench

22-July-2021 Thursday
Azov racer, who arranged an accident with 6 victims, then also got into a fight with a policeman in the department (VIDEO)

16-July-2021 Friday
Continuation of the post “In the Rostov region, a man attacked bus passengers with a knife. Ten days ago, he was discharged from a psychiatric clinic.

15-July-2021 Thursday
In the Rostov region, a man attacked bus passengers with a knife. Ten days ago, he was released from a psychiatric clinic.
