Propaganda poster, Lenin

23-April-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Lenin, my love”

07-November-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Happy holiday, comrades!” Happy Great October Day!”

28-June-2023 Wednesday
“It is necessary to further and further expand the participation of the working people themselves in the management of the economy...”

13-June-2023 Tuesday
"The battleship Potemkin remained an undefeated territory of the revolution..." V.I. Lenin.

18-May-2023 Thursday
"His name is immortal"

19-April-2023 Wednesday
"Yes, be I and a Negro of advanced years"

18-April-2023 Tuesday
“I would have learned Russian only because Lenin spoke to them”

08-November-2022 Tuesday
Poster "Towards a bright future of communist society, general welfare and lasting peace!"

22-April-2022 Friday
Poster "With the only proletarians of the great Russian and Ukrainian vilna Ukraina mozhliva ... . V. I. Lenin"
