author, Blog

06-May-2024 Monday
My first post on Pikabu. Or a little about how I decided to start a blog to find readers for my books

19-March-2024 Tuesday
From idea to first page

27-February-2024 Tuesday
How many heroes can there be in history?

26-February-2024 Monday
Do the text need detailed descriptions of nature, clothing, appearance, and treats on the table?

25-February-2024 Sunday
When is the best time for ideas?

24-February-2024 Saturday
I couldn’t quit the story, but I really wanted to

02-January-2024 Tuesday
Friends! Bravo, bravo! Just like that, you deserve it

10-April-2023 Monday
Karagay - what is it?

22-March-2023 Wednesday
The public idea was interesting, it's a pity it didn't "live" for long

04-January-2018 Thursday
Taste of the road of life

14-January-2017 Saturday
And what is beauty - Alexandre Bergamo

02-January-2017 Monday
Thoughtful dream - Alexander Bergamo (little experience in writing poems)

03-April-2014 Thursday
For bloggers.WEB masters
