Auto, Ministry of Transport

09-February-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Where will taxi drivers and truck drivers go?”

01-February-2024 Thursday
The British Ministry of Transport considers it possible to transfer cars subject to recycling to Kyiv

20-February-2022 Sunday
"There is a bubble in the taxi market, and it has already burst"

04-December-2021 Saturday
Response to the post "Russians will be limited in the use of private cars"

24-October-2021 Sunday
The Ministry of Transport proposed to increase the cost of travel on toll roads

10-August-2021 Tuesday
The Ministry of Transport wants to monitor the fatigue of Russian drivers with a laser and a bracelet

21-April-2021 Wednesday
Fed up with ass sniffers

19-March-2021 Friday
Self-driving cars will appear in St. Petersburg this year

06-February-2019 Wednesday
For those over 25. Young Russians may be banned from using carsharing

28-May-2018 Monday
We went to success: citizens will be banned from owning and using trucks

08-September-2017 Friday
The transport tax was proposed to be replaced by an environmental fee
