The medicine, Translation
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04-December-2023 Monday
Hospital workers on Reddit, what's going on there that's so hidden that we should know about?

16-November-2023 Thursday
What did you think was normal about your body until someone pointed out otherwise?

12-October-2023 Thursday
How the immune system works, lecture 8 part 4 (part 79)

02-October-2023 Monday
What's the strangest thing medical professionals have accidentally said to you?

21-August-2023 Monday
Am I fucking leaving my wife at a party and leaving alone when she was making me miss my plane?

21-August-2023 Monday
How the immune system works, lecture 8 part 3 (part 78)

05-August-2023 Saturday
How the immune system works, lecture 8 part 2 (part 77)

25-July-2023 Tuesday
The surgeon listens to my story, how I accidentally tripped and fell on a cucumber

16-July-2023 Sunday
How the immune system works, lecture 8 part 1 (part 76)

09-June-2023 Friday
How the immune system works, lecture 7 hours 12 (hour 75)

31-May-2023 Wednesday
How the immune system works, lecture 7 h. 11 (ch. 74)

07-March-2023 Tuesday
How the immune system works, lecture 7 h. 10 (ch. 73)

17-January-2023 Tuesday
How the immune system works, lecture 7 part 9 (part 72)

14-January-2023 Saturday
How the immune system works, lecture 7 part 8 (part 71)

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