Hypocrisy, Screenshot
Page 8

[8] [7] [1]

18-December-2024 Wednesday
Reply to post "I wonder what he would say about the oil spill from the American tanker "Exxon Valdez" or the explosion of the oil platform "Deepwater Horizon"?"

17-December-2024 Tuesday
Response to the post "Another hypocrisy from God's chosen one"

17-December-2024 Tuesday
I wonder what he would say about the oil spill from the American tanker "Exxon Valdez" or the explosion of the oil platform "Deepwater Horizon"?

05-December-2024 Thursday

24-September-2024 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Project “Demography””

02-September-2024 Monday
Cobless's answer to "Everything You Need to Know About 'Poor' Alimony Payers Supporting 'Ex' Wives"

01-September-2024 Sunday
Goliar's answer to "Everything you need to know about "poor" alimony payers who support "ex" wives"

31-August-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "Everything you need to know about "poor" alimony payers supporting "ex" wives"

31-August-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "Everything you need to know about "poor" alimony payers supporting "ex" wives"

[8] [7] [1]
