KINO Group, MusicPage 8
05-December-2024 Thursday
Reply to babtis1 in "Bad Boy Remix"
07-November-2024 Thursday
The copyright holder of Tsoi's songs collected 500 thousand rubles from the director of the film "Tsoi" for the illegal use of Tsoi's songs :-\
20-October-2024 Sunday
30-September-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "This strange place Kamchatka"
29-September-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post "This strange place Kamchatka"
29-September-2024 Sunday
This is a strange place Kamchatka
28-September-2024 Saturday
- How do your songs come about? - It's a mystery to me. I don't know. I start playing. Then some words appear...
15-September-2024 Sunday
Who is better?
09-September-2024 Monday
DEEPFOLK - April (Movie cover)
06-September-2024 Friday
All these songs will be lost in time, like... tears in the rain (c)
06-September-2024 Friday
Hi all!
05-September-2024 Thursday
Baby Walkman