Vitaly Churkin, Politics
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22-February-2017 Wednesday
After the death of Churkin, Yanukovych said that he did not ask Russia to send troops

22-February-2017 Wednesday
Meanwhile, in the green Pindostana ...

22-February-2017 Wednesday
Six Russian diplomats killed in two months

22-February-2017 Wednesday
Maria Zakharova about Vitaly Churkin

22-February-2017 Wednesday
What happened tonight: Wednesday, February 22

21-February-2017 Tuesday

21-February-2017 Tuesday
THESE brought wooden chocks to the Consulate General of Russia

21-February-2017 Tuesday
Yesterday, 02/20/2017, the most "concerned", "worried" and "constructively positioned" person in the UN did not live to see The Hague.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
The Permanent Representative of Ukraine announced a minute of silence in the UN Security Council in memory of Churkin.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
"How much more can you"

21-February-2017 Tuesday
The phrase took on a second meaning

21-February-2017 Tuesday
Megaton of hatred: Ukraine and liberals revel in the death of Churkin

21-February-2017 Tuesday
112 published an article "Churkin's most odious statements about Ukraine"

21-February-2017 Tuesday
How much more can

21-February-2017 Tuesday
In memory of the maestro of Russian diplomacy: Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin

21-February-2017 Tuesday
Ukraine blocked the adoption of a statement in the UN Security Council dedicated to Churkin

21-February-2017 Tuesday
Zakharova criticized Ukraine's decision not to make statements on Churkin. Yes, to hell with them, stubborn.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
About Churkin and the Motherland.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
To be remembered. Bright statements by Vitaly Churkin at the UN.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
Two enemies of Russia, but so different.

21-February-2017 Tuesday
I don't even know how to title this post!

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