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01-November-2024 Friday
What to choose - a relationship without love or love without a relationship?

31-October-2024 Thursday
Do we create opportunities for ourselves or can anything happen?

30-October-2024 Wednesday
Why does a man not like to change women and date until the very end the one who does not really suit him?

28-October-2024 Monday
For a woman, the most powerful mental pain that kills is having sex with a man she doesn't love?

27-October-2024 Sunday
Is someone controlling us or are we controlling everything ourselves so foolishly?

25-October-2024 Friday
At some moments we are aware of our age, but most of the time we are ageless?

23-October-2024 Wednesday
Why doesn't anyone tell the truth?

21-October-2024 Monday
If you imagine yourself happy, can you become happy?

20-October-2024 Sunday
You found yourself in a "monastery", agreed with the charter, but are dissatisfied with you. What could be the problem?

20-October-2024 Sunday
"Can the soul of an evil and drinking grandfather, after death, move into the body of a grandson who drinks for two and is just as evil as his grandfather?"

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