Alcoholics, AlcoholPage 70
29-November-2024 Friday
Statham about alcohol
29-November-2024 Friday
I wish I could live like that
29-November-2024 Friday
I quit drinking – life became GRAY...
28-November-2024 Thursday
Home Detoxification Service: What It Is and How It Works
28-November-2024 Thursday
Alcohol marathon in the Vologda region: run for a bottle in two hours!
27-November-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "I can't drink at all!"
26-November-2024 Tuesday
I'm not allowed to drink at all!
24-November-2024 Sunday
Causes of alcoholism
22-November-2024 Friday
Rate your hatred of the user on the following scale:
22-November-2024 Friday
20-November-2024 Wednesday
20-November-2024 Wednesday
There's nothing to add
20-November-2024 Wednesday
Bee vs. honey
18-November-2024 Monday
A sip of luxury has become more expensive / why will the prices of vodka and cognac skyrocket again?
18-November-2024 Monday
Be a human being despite all this "yobobo" around you
18-November-2024 Monday
I [34M] am a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for almost three years. My family still wants nothing to do with me.
17-November-2024 Sunday
I'm getting drunk
17-November-2024 Sunday
The first thing Sanya told me was his name. The second was that he was an Afghan. It was impossible to get much information from him.
16-November-2024 Saturday
Candies Drunken Cherry (office)
15-November-2024 Friday
Reply to the post "Alcohol-free life. The path to self-improvement. Part 2"
15-November-2024 Friday
Alcohol-free life. The path to self-improvement. Part 2
15-November-2024 Friday
Alcohol-free life. The path to self-improvement :)
13-November-2024 Wednesday
Sweets are bad for your figure
13-November-2024 Wednesday
How to get a dragon drunk...
11-November-2024 Monday
What a fight!