Politics, Epidemic
Page 5

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19-January-2022 Wednesday
A pandemic of false tests issued for the COVID 19 pandemic

28-December-2021 Tuesday
Zyuganov changes his shoes in a jump: an incredible somersault from the leader of the Communist Party

20-December-2021 Monday
WHO confirmed the danger of omicron-strain for vaccinated and recovered

30-November-2021 Tuesday
Popova listed the necessary measures against the omicron strain of coronavirus

29-November-2021 Monday
Svetov on Quarcodization

27-November-2021 Saturday
Head of the World Medical

15-September-2021 Wednesday
About anti-vaxxers in the inner circle of the president

14-July-2021 Wednesday
Mandatory vaccination? Vote?

05-July-2021 Monday
Sly assessment of PCR tests justified quarantine in Germany - scientists

27-June-2021 Sunday
In the Republic of Altai introduced mandatory vaccination against COVID for certain categories

26-June-2021 Saturday
Vaccines Magazine: "We need to rethink our approach"

23-June-2021 Wednesday
The Indian strain entered Russia with the connivance of the authorities

22-June-2021 Tuesday
In stores and transport in Moscow, they decided not to introduce a “free-form” regime yet

26-April-2021 Monday
India is on the verge of collapse: mortality from COVID has increased 10 times, corpses are being burned right in the streets (PHOTO)

27-March-2021 Saturday
New York State Becomes the First in the US to Introduce Voluntary Vaccination Passports

01-March-2021 Monday
Poroshenko in parliament called the coronavirus vaccine for Ukrainians “shit”

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