DPS, Court
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20-December-2023 Wednesday
Should a traffic police officer draw up a protocol on an administrative offense?

19-December-2023 Tuesday
If the protocol does not contain information about explaining the driver’s rights

14-November-2023 Tuesday
An agreement between Belarus and Russia on the mutual recognition of fines for traffic violations has come into force

12-November-2023 Sunday
How the driver managed to cancel the traffic police fine he received for driving closer to the traffic police car while the traffic police inspector was writing him a fine

18-September-2023 Monday
What not to do after an accident. Possible pitfalls on the part of the traffic police inspector

13-September-2023 Wednesday
Reported that the other driver fled the scene of the accident and himself lost his license for hiding

12-September-2023 Tuesday
Metamorphoses of the traffic police officer’s protocol

10-September-2023 Sunday
Driving on a one-way road. Arbitrage practice

06-September-2023 Wednesday
They issued a traffic police order, and then drew up a protocol. Should there be a new trial?

31-August-2023 Thursday
Didn't miss a pedestrian. What does the court consider?

25-August-2023 Friday
Why you can’t stand drunk near your car, or how all courts deprived the driver’s license for standing drunk next to the car

14-July-2023 Friday
Response to the post "Former chief traffic cop of the Stavropol Territory Safonov will be able to continue to sit on the golden toilet"

13-July-2023 Thursday
The former chief traffic cop of the Stavropol Territory Sofronov will be able to continue to sit on the golden toilet

14-May-2023 Sunday
What you need to write to the driver in the protocol of the traffic police in order to cancel it in the future

02-May-2023 Tuesday
Response to the post "Unsuccessful attempt to deprive the right to drive vehicles in the presence of nicotine in the body"

04-April-2023 Tuesday
How much longer can a driver drive a car after the court has deprived the driver of his rights and how to legally extend this period after a court decision

26-March-2023 Sunday
“There is no reason not to trust the traffic police inspector”, what is the wording with which the court punishes drivers

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