Socialism, Philosophy
Page 4

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19-March-2024 Tuesday
Shit is boiling about relationships :)) and let it boil, because copywriters save for a living

07-February-2024 Wednesday
Our future, technology and communism

04-February-2024 Sunday
About crises in the capitalist economy

11-December-2023 Monday
About capitalism

30-October-2023 Monday
Parties capable of taking over the whole world

20-October-2023 Friday
Reply to the post “Response to the post “Continuation of the post “Evgeniy Bedkomedin’s conversation with the priest of a healthy person”""

18-October-2023 Wednesday
Answer to discussions about what Marx was wrong (or not)

11-October-2023 Wednesday
Small-minded simpletons, half-intelligentsia and Soviet communism...

06-October-2023 Friday
Response to the post “about how the bourgeois state fights with salaries in an envelope” and other communist propaganda

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