Personality, Writers
Page 4

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27-September-2023 Wednesday
In the Soviet Union there was no abuse

20-September-2023 Wednesday
“Life is not about waiting for the past to return, but about watching the future come.” - Jack Canfield

20-September-2023 Wednesday
"Our capabilities are limited only by our faith in them." - Pavel Coelho

20-September-2023 Wednesday
"Two things are infinite - the Universe and human stupidity. But I'm not sure about the Universe." - Albert Einstein

20-September-2023 Wednesday
Life is what happens to you while you are busy with other plans.

19-September-2023 Tuesday
Fire of Wisdom: Sincere Quotes from Great Minds

17-September-2023 Sunday
The Art of Inspiration: Quotes from Great Minds That Change the World

16-September-2023 Saturday
Treasures of Wisdom: Quotes from Great Minds That Change Our Perspective on Life

15-September-2023 Friday
“Loneliness on the Internet” Evening...

24-July-2023 Monday
Luxury and excessive sophistication predict certain death to the state

16-July-2023 Sunday
"From homeless to businessman: the story of a man who overcame all difficulties and achieved success"

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