История России, Religion
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08-February-2024 Thursday
Response to the post “How Russia was structured in the era of Nicholas II: answering questions”

25-January-2024 Thursday
To Israel! The Jews believe that their messiah will come when the Russian fleet crosses the Bosporus and Dardanelles

08-December-2023 Friday
Alexander (Nevsky) - the relics - Peter (the first) transported to the capital, and the Bolsheviks removed them from public access to museum basements. For what ?

06-December-2023 Wednesday
Why has not a single portrait of a single ancient Russian prince survived? And not only ancient RUSSIAN

05-December-2023 Tuesday
Pushkin - Lukomorye - oak tree with a chain - in which direction was the chain wound?

23-November-2023 Thursday
Time of Troubles 10: finale of the Time of Troubles, liberation of Moscow, Zemsky Sobor, Romanovs

22-November-2023 Wednesday
Time of Troubles 9: Seven Boyars, uprising in Moscow, legendary Ivan Susanin

21-November-2023 Tuesday
Time of Troubles 8: the siege of Smolensk, the triumph of Skopin-Shuisky, partisans on skis

19-November-2023 Sunday
Time of Troubles 7: Pozharsky's baptism of fire, False Dmitry II, Lisovsky's atrocities

16-November-2023 Thursday
Time of Troubles 6: Battle of the Impostors, Bolotnikov's Rebellion, Shuisky and the Rebellious South

14-November-2023 Tuesday
Time of Troubles 5: An impostor on the throne, Poles in Moscow, Godunov's fatal mistake

11-November-2023 Saturday
Time of Troubles 4: Boris Godunov, the troubled Caucasus, the development of Siberia, the pursuit of sable

08-November-2023 Wednesday
Time of Troubles 3: military affairs of the Time of Troubles, the era of archers, winged hussars and the Tsar Cannon

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