История России, Politics
Page 48

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14-May-2024 Tuesday
I am satisfied with the situation on the fronts! Let's hit! Let's hit!

13-May-2024 Monday
Part 11 - Pathetic, insignificant, not at all a fascist person

11-May-2024 Saturday
Why do we celebrate May 9th but not other extremely important historical events?

07-May-2024 Tuesday
The tale of how J.V. Stalin let down the smart-ass Yankees who wanted to pocket the Great Victory

07-May-2024 Tuesday
Same thing again...

04-May-2024 Saturday
Hot pepper - this O. Elderberry

01-May-2024 Wednesday
Stalin became a figure of consensus for the whites and reds. Kurginyan in the program “Right to Know!” on TVC

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