Politrussiacom, Ukraine
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24-October-2016 Monday
Motorola admitted that he shot 15 prisoners?

11-October-2016 Tuesday
Ukraine's exit from the CIS: Kyiv says goodbye and does not leave

04-October-2016 Tuesday
Head of the SBU: two years ago, militants were aiming not at the Ukrainian Boeing, but at the plane of the Russian Aeroflot in order to start a war

28-September-2016 Wednesday
Lethal weapons for Ukraine - continuation of the story

26-September-2016 Monday
The US Congress passed a law on the provision of lethal weapons to Ukraine. But not that one.

23-September-2016 Friday
Soviet heroes - is nationality important?

21-September-2016 Wednesday
Incredible adventures of Poroshenko in New York

19-September-2016 Monday
Oleg Makarenko on the revival of the transferable ruble and prison reform

16-September-2016 Friday
What was the name of Russia before Peter the Great?

14-September-2016 Wednesday
Universal soldier: why did Stalin create an army of cyborgs

13-September-2016 Tuesday
In Ukraine, they created an all-terrain vehicle capable of crossing a river. Which turned out to be suspiciously similar to the Russian one.

08-September-2016 Thursday
Poroshenko's speech: from confectioner to seller of emptiness (Ruslan Ostashko)

07-September-2016 Wednesday
A cemetery of Russian military men was found in Donbass, or how to go beyond cynicism.

25-August-2016 Thursday
Ukraine: the end of the Showcase project (Ruslan Ostashko)

23-August-2016 Tuesday
Was the residential sector of Maryinka shelled with Russian-made mines?

22-August-2016 Monday
Passed through a mined forest: a political prisoner spoke about his escape from Crimea

19-August-2016 Friday
Alchemy of the Olympics. How to turn silver into gold.

16-August-2016 Tuesday
Trump accused Putin of forming ISIS. And Erdogan bowed low to him.

15-August-2016 Monday
Kyiv is confused in its own versions of the story with the Crimean saboteurs

09-August-2016 Tuesday
Kremlin propagandists filmed “ISIS warehouses” full of Russian weapons and ammunition

05-August-2016 Friday
Our paratroopers, unlike the Russian ones, do not bathe in fountains, but defend their Motherland

02-August-2016 Tuesday
Putin instructed to number the Russians for ease of counting

01-August-2016 Monday
Russia threw the students of the DNR and LNR?

09-July-2016 Saturday
Militants killed a Russian marine who refused to shoot at peaceful villages near Mariupol

07-July-2016 Thursday
This will not be shown on TV. 3 facts about Crimea

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