Spoiler, Horror
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12-February-2024 Monday
SILENT HILL THE SHORT MESSAGE: how one bold step can... disappoint

04-January-2024 Thursday
Briefly about the review forbidden in Yandex for the worst New Year's horror of 2023, which is Scream of Mediocrity, but not The Night Before Christmas

23-October-2023 Monday
Reply to the post “The Grinding” is a horror movie with a very unpleasant thing hatching from an egg”

08-August-2023 Tuesday
Peek-a-boo has turned from a delicious cupcake into a kalobok and no one knows where it rolls

16-May-2023 Tuesday
Response to the post "F/f "Zombies with one plan!" — a chic comedy not about zombies at all”

15-February-2023 Wednesday
"X": old lady out of focus

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