The nature of Russia, DuckPage 3
05-August-2024 Monday
25-July-2024 Thursday
I couldn't identify the bird, I need your help
09-July-2024 Tuesday
Ducks and a hot day off
17-June-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “Surveillance camera”
04-June-2024 Tuesday
28-May-2024 Tuesday
Orange mood
22-May-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The duck protected the ducklings from the crow”
20-May-2024 Monday
The duck protected the ducklings from the crow
05-May-2024 Sunday
Mood color gray
20-April-2024 Saturday
In St. Petersburg, a wigeon decided to hit a mallard
05-April-2024 Friday
Domestic duck (Sochi)
04-April-2024 Thursday
Mandarin ducks. From love to hate one step
01-April-2024 Monday
Mandarin ducks
27-March-2024 Wednesday
Bad shot. What if you like him?
08-March-2024 Friday
Tufted duck (Sochi)
06-March-2024 Wednesday
Red-headed Pochard (Sochi)
01-March-2024 Friday
My "Big Year"
23-February-2024 Friday
Mallards (Tambov)
20-February-2024 Tuesday
Male mandarin duck
05-February-2024 Monday
Common goldeneye
23-December-2023 Saturday
Ducks - ooh
19-November-2023 Sunday
15-November-2023 Wednesday
Duckling and dragonfly
11-September-2023 Monday
Duck Patrol
09-September-2023 Saturday
Duck hunting