Нейронные сети, PsychologyPage 3
12-December-2024 Thursday
Post #12129795
05-December-2024 Thursday
How AI imposes complexes on us
28-November-2024 Thursday
Top 5 neural networks that will listen as well as a psychologist
26-November-2024 Tuesday
Free will: illusion or reality?
24-November-2024 Sunday
"My Connection with Artificial Intelligence: Personal Experience"
14-November-2024 Thursday
An unusual psychological trick manipulates our perception
09-November-2024 Saturday
31-October-2024 Thursday
How to be in the state of “I am”, “here and now” or awareness. And what does the neural network have to do with it
01-September-2024 Sunday
How I Trained Myself to Detox on a Robot Child
03-August-2024 Saturday
Neural network posts of evil jokers
03-August-2024 Saturday
Intelligence and intelligent systems
26-July-2024 Friday
Conversations with AI
16-July-2024 Tuesday
Free artificial intelligence in telegram bot | At the ChatGPT-4 level
11-July-2024 Thursday
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks: What future awaits us?
09-July-2024 Tuesday
How I turned a 16+ neural network chatbot into a personal psychologist, and what came of it
12-June-2024 Wednesday
The best psychologist
08-June-2024 Saturday
Modern technologies in finding friends: how we developed the dating service SvyazCoincidence using a neural network
03-June-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “Need advice”
02-June-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Toxic Parents”
15-May-2024 Wednesday
Blog of the Mentally Ill #24
11-May-2024 Saturday
Deception for the greater good? Why parental flattery led to psychological trauma