University, Unified State Exam
Page 3

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25-September-2019 Wednesday
Grade 11 and the exam through the eyes of students.

22-June-2019 Saturday
I can’t choose between two specialties at the university, I ask for help and a look from the outside.

02-June-2019 Sunday
About the exam and others like it

25-April-2019 Thursday
For those who don't know where to go

06-March-2019 Wednesday
Parental choice of where the child will go to study after school.

01-February-2019 Friday
What do you think about the introduction of the law that after the exam you can apply to only one university?

22-July-2018 Sunday
Tutor for the exam: do not waste your money!

25-June-2018 Monday
Choosing a university. We are closing the university.

21-June-2017 Wednesday
Petersburg student scored 300 points on the exam

10-April-2017 Monday
Promenade on the exam. Literature

07-December-2016 Wednesday
Generation of idiots (minus, comment, have fun)

04-November-2016 Friday

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