IT, Information SecurityPage 30
16-December-2024 Monday
Song about programmers
16-December-2024 Monday
ChatGPT vs. Eggs and Why AI Won't Take Over the Planet Anytime Soon :-)
15-December-2024 Sunday
How I simplified my life by almost writing my own neural network)
12-December-2024 Thursday
Spy in your browser
11-December-2024 Wednesday
A bit of IB humor
08-December-2024 Sunday
The Federation Council proposed replacing SMS with a digital signature
06-December-2024 Friday
From Vouchers to Algorithms: AI in Russia Gives Advice on Privatization of State Property
05-December-2024 Thursday
Hackers have broken into Microsoft's licensing system and are now giving away long-term activation of Windows and Office!
04-December-2024 Wednesday
Microsoft's Biggest Hack: Now You Can Activate Windows Without Restrictions?
02-December-2024 Monday
IT events in Saint Petersburg from December 6 to 12, 2024
02-December-2024 Monday
Briefly about my indifference... high level of cybersecurity
29-November-2024 Friday
Certified tokens for EP: Why are they needed and how do they ensure security?
28-November-2024 Thursday
Creating courses is no easy task
28-November-2024 Thursday
Python doesn't work as expected!
27-November-2024 Wednesday
10% of IT people in any company do absolutely nothing
24-November-2024 Sunday
Django: Access control in 60 seconds!