HeinekenPage 2
05-October-2019 Saturday
Can you enlarge the logo a little?
06-May-2019 Monday
12-April-2019 Friday
When I saw my favorite beer on sale.
01-March-2019 Friday
It happens ...
21-January-2019 Monday
How a Heineken distributor convinced the masses that Corona beer contained human urine
03-November-2018 Saturday
Attention to all posts!!
31-August-2018 Friday
Zero Five Cubism
23-July-2018 Monday
How so?
25-June-2018 Monday
My little collection
27-March-2018 Tuesday
Heineken pulls 'sometimes, lighter is better' ad over racism allegations
02-March-2018 Friday
Good publicity.
26-October-2017 Thursday
Watch out, Bierhof!
19-May-2017 Friday
I love this beer too
27-April-2017 Thursday
This is what life-giving decommunization does!
21-March-2017 Tuesday
Hungary moves to ban Heineken beer logo
05-February-2017 Sunday
Bottle mail from Heineken
30-January-2017 Monday
The price of quality
21-December-2016 Wednesday
Flash drive from Heineken with Heineken inside
18-December-2016 Sunday
How to find your dream job
01-August-2016 Monday
beer opener
23-May-2016 Monday
Social experiment of the .NET project: every third young buyer of alcohol is not asked for documents in the store
14-April-2016 Thursday
Guess what kind of beer he likes.
26-February-2016 Friday
Houses for the poor from beer bottles
18-February-2016 Thursday
Heineken | Moderate Drinkers Wanted
20-January-2016 Wednesday
Heineken Skywalker