Exercises, Humor
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28-October-2021 Thursday
Test for heterosexuality in the North Korean army

02-July-2021 Friday
"How do you like this exercise for the neck?" Photo

29-June-2021 Tuesday
"Looks comfortable" and you don't have to go to the gym..))

18-March-2021 Thursday
As usual, the comments to the posts themselves are more interesting and funnier

26-February-2021 Friday
Nothing special, just Friday in Moscow...

26-January-2021 Tuesday
Post #7982887

09-October-2020 Friday
Physical teacher with bipolar disorder

11-August-2020 Tuesday
Good exercise

18-June-2020 Thursday
He always liked to sit in the back of the classroom

22-April-2020 Wednesday
Schaub my back didn't hurt

06-April-2020 Monday
Two types of exercises

24-March-2020 Tuesday
Comic Exercises against VIRUSES. Recipes and Spells

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