Ukraine, what's with the Khokhols
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10-June-2018 Sunday
Belatedly about May 9th and how we live here in general

26-May-2018 Saturday
When, it would seem, the bottom was reached, they knocked from below

18-May-2018 Friday
Ukrainian school was plastered with the bones of Soviet soldiers

27-February-2018 Tuesday
Cover of a book by Ukrainian children's writer Nitsa, who has a problem with Tambov

02-February-2018 Friday
Match Ukraine - Slovakia will be held in empty stands by decision of UEFA

11-December-2017 Monday
Heading what is there with crests?)

28-October-2017 Saturday
Tax on pets in Ukraine

26-July-2017 Wednesday
The first one is blue and yellow. To the 25th anniversary of the riot of Ukrainian sailors in Sevastopol

23-June-2017 Friday
Problems of the neighboring country

23-March-2017 Thursday
Near Kharkov, a fire broke out at one of the largest weapons depots!

17-January-2017 Tuesday
Now they will live!

03-December-2016 Saturday
That feeling when you decide to shave, but the news about crests doesn't want to let go...

13-August-2016 Saturday
How the "professional" Ukrainian "police" works

22-June-2016 Wednesday
Awarded goose for service.

17-May-2016 Tuesday
A schoolgirl came up with a device that prevents the enemy from calculating the dugout of ATO fighters

12-May-2016 Thursday
Meanwhile somewhere in Eurogabon

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